Done-for-you copywriting by

Chabot, not ChatBot.

Copywriting & Content Marketing for Passion-Driven Entrepreneurs

Empowering Brands with Messaging Magic

You have your mission, vision, and specialty—and I’m here to help you communicate it, whether you’re a:

  • Creative professional struggling to narrow down your ideas and refine your message

  • B2B service provider who wants to balance professionalism with personality

  • Small business owner who likes writing but needs an outside eye and help making their copy SEO-friendly

  • Brand and/or web designer who needs a reliable copywriter to support your clients’ websites

The best part? When you work with me, you get a personalized touch—and so does your audience! So back away slowly from the ChatGPT (or your AI tool of choice) and leave it to your human copywriter.

  • Woman in blue top with wacky glasses

    Build Brand Awareness

    Let’s spread the word about your brand—literally! With consistent messaging, you’ll be recognizable and remain top-of-mind. Plus, as an SEO copywriter (that’s search engine optimization), I’ll conduct research, create a keyword strategy, and use the right words to help you boost your online visibility.

  • Woman in white blazer speaking on megaphone

    Boost Sales & Revenue

    Take your customers on a sales journey without feeling like you’re selling to them! I’ll hone in on your voice to craft authentic messaging that’s a conversation with your prospects. We’ll make them excited to work with you—as they should be! Build a genuine connection and trust, grow your client base.

  • Woman in black boxing apparel

    Gain work-life balance

    No more sitting on all those content marketing tasks and projects you don’t have time or energy for! Save hours and nix the stress of researching and writing with a trusted copywriter who knows you. Focus on running your business or enjoy more family and leisure time without worrying about the words!

Struggling with your
copy shouldn’t hold
up your business.

Do you ever open a new doc (or turn to a new page in your notebook, for those who prefer pen and paper) to write something for your marketing and simply…draw a blank? 

Before you know it, minutes or even hours have gone by, and you have hardly anything to show for it! After so long spinning your wheels on your copy and content writing, you’re:

  • Feeling overwhelmed, stuck, and uncertain of your voice or how to convey it in the written word

  • Not getting found online or converting website visitors

  • Turning to AI (artificial intelligence) for help, which spits out generic results you have to constantly tweak and regenerate (so much for saving time!)

  • Tired of spending time and energy on it all!

Understandable. After all, it’s challenging to capture your passion in a handful of words—I know because I’ve been there! You’ve given your business life, nurtured it, and poured your heart and soul (along with some blood, sweat, and tears) into it. 

But there’s a better solution than having to learn the ins and outs of AI and risking boring, robotic copy.

It’s time to put your business into words.

Sometimes, you just need that outside perspective—a human perspective, to be exact. That’s where I come in! I will ask you all the right questions to get to the heart of your brand and uncover what sets you apart so that we can answer the biggest question of all: 


Look, AI certainly has its place, but ChatGPT can’t answer this for you. Only you can determine what makes you one-of-a-kind! You may just need another set of eyes to help you get there and nail your style with words.

I’ll take your web copy, blogging, and email marketing off your plate and help you tell your story. Through our work together, you will: 

  • Find your authentic brand voice

  • Connect with and speak directly to your ideal clients

  • End up with clear, consistent messaging in your words

  • Start boosting your website’s SEO value

Tired of muddling through your marketing content and manipulating AI for messaging that sounds like you?

Stephanie Chabot, Chabot Creative - expert copywriter for small businesses

Copywriting & Content Marketing Services with a Human Touch


With WOW-worthy web copy, you’ll guide visitors and show them why working with you isn’t an option—it’s a MUST! Your website is often your first impression on prospects, so weak messaging is not an option. Let’s set your biz home base up for success.

Web Copy VIP Day

Enjoy a day with me all to yourself and new copy for a 1-page site by the end! Perfect for solopreneurs with 1-3 offerings who want to launch quickly. You’ll receive a solid, standout foundation for your website messaging that you can build on later.


Foster trust, establish your brand as an authority, and get found online with consistent SEO-friendly blog posts. In this collaborative partnership, I take YOUR expertise and experience and create articles you can repurpose and reuse to show your audience you know your sh*t!


Build your community with engaging and captivating email copy, from regular newsletters to automated series to sales follow-ups. Deliver the right message at the right time, whether you’re welcoming people to your list, sharing a valuable resource, or promoting an offer.


Meet Your SEO copyrwriter & Chief Word Nerd

Hi, I’m Stephanie Chabot (shah-BOT)! I am an SEO copywriter and content marketer based in New Hampshire. I am passionate about helping brands tell their stories, using the Oxford comma, and employing tastefully tantalizing alliteration (word nerd alert). 

Marketing copy and content is only effective when it is three things: 

  • Engaging

  • Helpful/valuable

  • Optimized (for both Google and humans)

I’m here to help you achieve that trifecta! With a background in marketing and SEO, I understand what it takes to craft informative and powerful content that works for you 24/7. I love giving clients an easy place to turn when they need help finding the right words.

  • "Stephanie was incredible to work with. She is organized and listens carefully to your voice and asks fantastic follow up questions."

    Kim, Owner, KPIP Law

  • "Stephanie takes the time to cultivate a great working relationship, and crafted clear, and consistent messaging across both my website and my intro email series!"

    Susan, Owner, Flint Garden Designs

  • "Stephanie listened to a boatload of technical jargon and magically transformed all of this information into relatable content for my firm's website."

    Rebecca, Owner, LCA Resource

  • "Stephanie went above and beyond with regard to her attention to detail. She was really able to put my thoughts and detail into words. Could have not done this without her!"

    Leslie, Owner, Bella Soul Wellness

Let’s Get social @chabotcreative

Interested in working Together?

Do you need help finding the right words for your blog, website, or other content marketing project? Choose Chabot Creative, and I’ll be happy to grab a virtual coffee and chat about your needs today!

You can’t have a coffee with a robot now, can you? ;)